Five tips finally to overcome imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome affects many managers and professionals in high-profile or responsible positions. It is a psychological pattern in which people doubt their own competence and whether they are properly qualified for their role, and subconsciously fear their colleagues' eventually "exposing" them as frauds who attained their position by mistake. How to overcome this unpleasant, counterproductive, and often objectively inaccurate mindset? Here are five key strategies to help you tackle imposter syndrome effectively.


These tips were published by

Acknowledge you are experiencing imposter syndrome

The first step is recognising that the feelings you are experiencing are common. By understanding and defining your own imposter syndrome, you can start addressing it more effectively and taking concrete steps towards overcoming it.

Stop comparing yourself to others

Constantly comparing yourself to others can lead to self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy. People around us often present themselves as more successful than they really are, which can create a distorted perception. Instead of measuring yourself against others, focus on your own progress and personal growth.

Write down your objective achievements

Make a list of your accomplishments: degrees you have earned, skills you have developed, challenges you have overcome, and the praise you have received from colleagues, supervisors, or subordinates. Writing down your successes will give you a clearer perspective on your own competence and achievements.

Accept mistakes as a necessary part of the road to success

Everyone makes mistakes and people who never make mistakes are not growing. Let go of perfectionism and start regarding errors and setbacks as learning opportunities rather than failures. Mistakes are essential stepping stones on the path to success.

Be proud of your progress

Avoid being overly critical of yourself. When you achieve something or take a step forward in your career, recognise your progress and celebrate your wins, including the small ones. Take care of yourself and allow yourself to feel a healthy sense of pride in your accomplishments.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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