Brian Tracy: How to Beat Your Fear

"Nobody is born with fear. This is why we can get rid of fear through self-discipline," says an American speaker and consultant Brian Tracy, one of the world's leading personalities in the field of personal and professional development.

In an article on his blog devoted to overcoming fear Tracy explains that fear has its physical and psychological manifestations - from dry mouth, heart palpitations or sickness to the belief that we can not do anything. Most of us are afraid that if we take action, we fail or lose something. The only way to overcome fear, however, lies in the action. Disregarding fear leads only to more stress, unhappiness and psychosomatic problems.

Brian Tracy advises to start visualization. Imagine yourself managing your fears with confidence and capabilities that it requires. Fill your mind with positive mind images of  success. If you can feel confident, you are act confident. This is according to Tracy one of the most amazing facts in the psychology of success.

The key to happiness and success lies in a direct confrontation with the fear. Identify persons or situations you are afraid of and do not let them to control you any longer. Confront them directly and your fear will disappear. When you learn how to name your fear and confront it,  it will fade and it will be easier to manage. You will gain greater confidence and control.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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