Mistakes may be the key to success

Mistakes are mostly not disasters. Mainly perfectionists, however, often fail to perceive mistakes as opportunities and lapse into the vicious circle of fear of their own mistakes. Thus, what to do and what not to do if we made a mistake?

Do not ignore mistakes

The only way to improve your skills is through focusing on what you cannot do too much - on errors.

Do not harsh self-criticism

Dissatisfaction with your own performance can be a source of motivation, self-hatred not. Excessive rate of self-criticism leads to depression, leaving important things and avoiding responsibility.

Go through strategic experimentation

Find inspiration in researchers who have an exemplary attitude toward mistakes. They begin with a few hypotheses and carry out tests to find out which is true. They know that if they repeat one and the same procedure, they may miss a better option.

Do not let your fear of mistakes to limit your or others creativity

The leader who is afraid to make mistakes discourages his people from coming up with new ideas. Admit the possibility that mistakes may just be the key to success.


Article source Psychology Today - a U.S. magazine and online community focused on psychology
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