5 leadership resolutions for 2012


How to be in a better leader next year? Forbes.com offers five answers to this question. Interestingly, it is nothing else but family that should be leaders' top priority.


Good leader knows that success in his work does not guarantee success in his family. Do not, therefore, try to balance your professional life with family, make your family the  priority.

Strategic planning of work time

Good leader does not fill his calendar with unnecessary activities.s. He knows that he does not have to do everything himself.


Good leader listens more than talks. He knows that he will achieve more by not trying to dominate.

Accepting new things

Good leader is able to admit that some pices of his knowledge are outdated. He is open to change views.

Engaging others

Good leader knows that leadership is not about him but about others who he leads and whom he serves.


Article source Forbes.com - prestigious American business magazine and website
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