How to get out of leadership stereotype

Leadership requires high degree of mental agility. Leaders who are bored in their jobs or too often fall into stereotypes, therefore, do not really lead. Real leader is, however, aware of this situation and do not seek excuses but a solution. An article on brought seven pieces of advice on how to get out of leadership routine and start 2012 in a successful way.

1. Bring a change

Come up with a way to break some of the stereotypes ingrained in your business environment - change current roles and responsibilities or hire someone from outside. Design a new business model or bring an improvement proposal. Bring a bit of chaos into an orderly world.

2. Stimulate your brain

Practise basic learning techniques, such as reading or attend courses, but also the rest. Someone prefers running, someone short vacation. Do what helps you to "clear your head" and search for how to do it differently and better.

3. Ask for help

Successful leaders have around their advisors. You can simply start at home. Learn to ask for your shortcomings and especially listen to other people.

4. Organize an open discussion

Talk to experts on issues that you deal with and do not worry that it turns out that your initial ideas were wrong. It would be worse if you thought you were right.

5. Fire yourself

If you cannot or do not want to change as a leader and let yourself be developed by people around you, find another job. Both you and your employer deserve something better.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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