Silence at meetings is not golden


Give a thought to how many times you have sat at a meeting, disagreed with something  but remained silent. Then you were probably leaving with frustration and blame for yourself. Sharing opinions is yet the very purpose of a meeting and neither you nor your team members should feel that you cannot openly say what you think. Thus, how to work with different views positively to contribute to a more productive work of the whole team? published some practical advice. Feel free to share the followitn tips with your people.

Share your knowledge to bring a benefit to all

Do not be deterred by fear of disagreement, share what you consider important. You might be surprised that people want to discuss different ideas.

Mirror participants who disagree

When you talk with someone who disagrees with you, let him know that you are listening. Build an atmosphere in which everybody feel free to express his opinion.

Recognize legitimacy of the disagreement

The ability to recognize different views is of great importance. It helps expand horizons and reduce defensive positions. It opens more room for discussion.

Prepare for opposing views

Before going to a  meeting, think about what opinions may come and consider possible arguments of both sides. Prepare strong support for your arguments.

Think about why your views should be heard

Remember that you hold your role in the company based on your knowledge and experience that makes sense to share with others. Do not keep it to yourself.


Article source OPEN Forum - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs
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