Conflics between employees are your problems as well

Given how much time people spend at work with their colleagues every day, these relationships represent a pivotal part of each work environment. Employees should feel safe at work and also see that they bring some value to the company. Just a bad relationship between two colleagues and unpleasant atmosphere will affect the whole team.

Strong leaders do not ignore such situations. They create work environments where everyone can express his opinion but also keeps in mind the good of the team and its individual members. Ken Blanchard, the author of several bestsellers on management and leadership explains this leadership task in his article on He also describes three steps for leaders to achieve a greater connectedness among their people.

1. Take managing the relationships among your team members as areal part of your work

Set it as your priority. Look for ways to lead your people to learn more about each even outside their job roles.

2. Track your team's dynamics

Watch what is said and done in your team. At the same time, pay attention to what remains unsaid. Trust your instincts.

3. Address problems as soon as possible

Most big conflicts arise from small events that have so far been overlooked. Being a mediator in such situations is very difficult. Therefore, solve the problems among your people as soon as you notice some signs.


Article source Fast Company - leading U.S. magazine and website for managers
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