Want to manage your boss? Start with yourself


Some employees think they their superiors know everything and therefore bombard them with questions at almost every step of theirs. Similarly dysfunctional relationship, however, exists when bosses believe that their people cannot do anything and therefore control every their move. Note that if your boss is stressing you and forces you to think about him, he feels the same tension towards you. How to fix it? Cbsnews.com brought some practical tips.

Do your job

If you are not in a company made by only a few people, you are not working for your boss but for the company. Concentrate on the job for which you were hired.

Take the initiative

Bosses welcome when their people can take responsibility for solving problems.

Focus on yourself

If you have a problem with your boss, start with your own behavior. You cannot change the way he behaves, but you can change your own behavior.

Tell your boss just what he needs to work

Maybe be checks all your moves because you do not tell him important things. The simplest way to do is to ask him what he wants from you.

Ask for advice from someone who knows your boss better than you

You may overlook the real reasons for the behavior of your boss. Practical experience in how to deal with him is always useful.

Be honest with yourself

If your relationship with the boss does not work and you cannot change it, think about leaving.


Article source CBS MoneyWatch - server of the CBS media group related to management and sales
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