11 steps to a better leadership style


Good leadership style requires a wide range of skills, many of which are individual. How to find your own leadership style? To get started, avoid styles that are guaranteed to be wrong. Openforum.com pointed out to eleven such styles.

1. Do not limit yourself just to share information

When you act like you know everything, others will not want to share their ideas with you. To avoid this, invite others to discuss new information and find common solutions.

2. Stop using the words "but" and "however"

Do not tell anyone that he is good but ... just to soften your criticism. Call a spade a spade.

3. Do not brag about your stories

No one is curious about bragging. A good leader does not need to boast.

4. Do not communicate when you are angry

Keep your emotions in check. You have better go away and relax.

5. Do not hold important information

Withholding information that may help others in their work is a manifestation of an inferiority complex. It will damage your confidence.

6. Do not forget to recognize the achievements of others

Do not leave a good job without praise. Give the recognition for a job well done publicly.

7. Do not take credit for others' achievements

taking credit for an achievement of somebody else id worse than not giving praise.

8. Do not make excuses

Excuses will damage your credibility and integrity. Instead of excuses rather talk about what you can change.

9. Do not avoid apologies

Nobody is perfect, so learn to admit your mistakes.

10. Do not underestimate listening

When you talk with someone, pay your full attention to him. Avoid any disctractions.

11. Do not blame messengers

Bad news can come from anywhere and you should take it as an opportunity for improvement.


Article source OPEN Forum - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs
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