How to get rid of stress and reach success

The worst barriers to success are those that we place on ourselves. These are typically long-term beliefs that affect our own perception of success and opportunities to achieve it. Nancy Linnerooth, a former lawyer who decided to study therapy and became successful coach, knows several strategies to identify and eliminate obstacles just like that.

How do you know you have a problem?

First, review your behavior at work. Do you regularly forget certain tasks? Can you meet deadlines? Do you sometimes avoid contact with people, even though you know it's important for your work?

If you repeatedly do something that will hinder your success, so this is what you should tackle.

6 ways to achieve change

1. Ask friends for help

Friends or coach can provide encouragement, support, but you also feel responsibility towards them. Agree with someone that you meet regularly and tell them what you have achieved. At the end of the meeting, tell them what you want to achieve till the next time and how you plan to do it. When you succeed, reward yourself.

Note that this service should be mutual.

2. Save your power

People always say what they have to or what they should do. At the same time they usually want something else. The solution? Linnerooth says to her clients that they do not have to do anything. They don't even have to taxes. Of course they would be punished for that, but it really is up to them if they pay or not. Try to say this out loud that you don't have to do anything. It's up to you, it's your decision - this will help you feel stronger and empowered.

3. Replace your to-do list with a Done list

People are dissatisfied with themselves because of all they have not achieved. It helps when you focus your attention more on what you've done. Make a list of tasks accomplished, it will give you more energy to move on.

4. Turnaround your sentences

"I have finished several parts of the report, but I had to write it all." How to say it differently: "I did not finish the report, but I wrote the first two parts." If you say the negative part of the sentence first, but it ends with the positive information, you will feel much better.

5. Find out why you hinder yourself

Very often people have a very small, relatively easy step to achieve success, but they don't take it, even if they get another opportunity. This is often caused by some inner block, which is what stops them. Sometimes it's fear of the reaction of their close ones regarding how they'd respond to success, whether they'd understand. It is important to figure out why you behave this way - only then can you change it.

6. Try acupressure

Linnerooth argues that negative thoughts and feelings may be suppressed also by using acupressure. Try circling your thumb gently on the side of the index finger near just bellow the nail. This massage sends a calming message to the brain.


Article source OPEN Forum - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs
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