9 things that successful people do and others don't


Why does someone reach their goals and somebody else fails? Years of research show that successful people owe their success not so much to who they are, but to what they do and how they act.

  1. Be specific. Do not tell yourself "I want to lose weight," but "I want to lose 5 kilos." This way, your motivation is likely to last until the goal is reached.

  2. Define time to act on your goals. Did you really have no time today to work out? Again, you must be specific when setting goals: "If it’s Monday, Wednesday or Friday, I‘ll spend 30 minutes doing exercises before going to work." Studies show that this kind of planning increases the chance of reaching goals by up to 300%.

  3. Know how you're doing, and how much is left to do. Regularly monitor your situation. You can ask someone else for help.

  4. Be optimistic but also realistic. Keep in mind that you can do it. Bud do not underestimate the task. If you think that everything will just happen without much effort, you will not be adequately prepared.

  5. Focus on improvement. Believe that you have the skills to achieve your goal. But even more important is the belief that additional skills can be obtained and that you can change. Only then can you fully realize your potential.

  6. Have grit. Even that can be trained.

  7. Strengthen your will. Take your self-control as a muscle that can be worked out just like any other. And that weakens when it is not used. The best exercise is to do something you would normally not do, such as learning a foreign language or a 100 sit-ups a day. Initially it will be difficult, but over time it will improve - your will is getting stronger.

  8. Do not tempt fate. Even if you have a strong will, respect its limitations. Some people are too confident and directly seek opportunities to resist temptation. Successful people know there is not point in reaching objectives in a more difficult way than it already is.

  9. Focus on what you will do. Not on what you should not do. Research confirms that the suppression of thought leads to the contrary. The same applies to bad habits. So if you want to achieve change, ask yourself how exactly you should replace your bad habit.


Article source Harvard Business Review - flagship magazine of Harvard Business School
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