How to encourage new ideas in your team


The biggest barriers to innovation in companies include lack of new ideas and excessive bureaucracy. The daily responsibilities also play a role at the expense of long-term thinking. What to do with it? Managers should motivate and lead their teams not to become indifferent. brought six tips to promote innovative thinking in your team.

Engage the whole team

Build an environment where everyone can come up with ideas for improvement. Actively call for sharing ideas at meetings, on the intranet or even using the traditional suggestion box.

Limit bureaucracy

Review internal processes for working with new ideas. Employee who devotes his time and energy to a new idea will soon lose his motivation when waiting for approval.

Work together

Some degree of competition among employees is healthy but it should not limit open sharing of ideas.

Improve brainstorming

Talk more about all proposals and reject nothing unless you find relevant reasons for rejection.

Give employees a break

Overworked employees come with fewer ideas. Therefore, actively work with plans for managing work-life balance and ensure external assistance in the busiest periods.

Search for inspiration

You as a leader will hardly inspire your people when you yourself feel uninspired.


Article source - Solutions for Employment, Safety, and Environmental Compliance
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