How exceptional bosses think


The best managers understand the workplace, the company and the teams that work there in a completely different way to most management staff. Let’s take a look, then, at how they see things and take some inspiration.

Business is not a battleground, but a special ecosystem

The average boss sees business and what goes on within the company as battles between individual departments, the fight with competitors and so on. Exceptional managers see everything as the symbiosis in which the company must learn to live and grow. It can then adapt easily to new conditions, changes on the market etc.

The company is not a machine, but a society of people

At most companies, employees are simply cogs in a big machine. Exceptional managers see the company as a group of people with their own thoughts. They are able to unite them to move towards a higher goal together.

Management is not control

“We’ll do what the boss tells us.” That is usually how it works. Exceptional managers, however, only decide the direction of development and, to a certain extent, allow their employees a free hand to achieve goals in their own way, only intervening in urgent situations.

Employees are colleagues, not small children

Most bosses make it clear that employees are answerable to them or even inferior. An exceptional boss makes it clear to everyone he deals with that they are unique and important. Feeling like this, the employee performs better.

Motivation is the result of a vision, not threats

An average boss motivates through fear of redundancy, ridicule or pay cuts. Employees are then afraid to decide on anything themselves.

Exceptional managers inspire people to go for a better future. They are able to motivate them to believe in the company and understand that its success is their success, for which they will be rewarded.

Change means growth, not pain

Many managers are afraid of change. Things usually only change when it is too late. By contrast, exceptional bosses take changes as part of their lives. They know that without them there is no success.

Technology is not automation

For the average boss, technology is a way of gaining more control. Exceptional managers, however, want people to be creative all the time. They only introduce those technological devices that the employees themselves require.

Work should not only be laborious, but entertaining too

Many people take work to be a necessary evil and assume that the people around them (their juniors) think the same. An exceptional boss enjoys his work, his aim being to put people in positions in which they will be genuinely happy.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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