Do not undermine your authority


If you are to be taken seriously by others, you need to know how to gain your authority. However, especially beginning managers often undermine their own authority. Alison Green, the author of a popular management blog on advises to start by defining your own authority. Alone or with the help of your supervisor, consider what specific authority you have at work and behave accordingly - with confidence in your position. Talk with your superiors also about key issues before speaking to others. Clarify a common position. There is no faster way to lose authority than to say something your boss will say differently after a few minutes.

Other practical steps to greater authority

  • You should know what to say when you do not know the answer. Always answer with certainty. Give thanks for the suggestions and promise to return to the topic later.

  • Avoid wrath and anger. You would only show that you cannot effectively respond to problems this way.

  • Stop worrying about whether others like you or not. Concentrate on that the fact whether you have their respect and you can be effective in your work.

  • Watch the tone of your voice. If doubts and uncertainty are heard in you voice, your authority will decline. Avoid fillers such as "uh" or "I think...", too.

  • Learn how not to be afraid of silence when speaking.

  • Do not be defensive. People who believe in themselves are open to the possibility of their mistakes and able to accept the better proposals of others.

  • Act directly. Accept the need to face problems directly as a key part of your work.


Article source U.S. News & World Report - news and information focused on education, health, money, travel and opinion
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