How not to lose your team's time and productivity


Effective use of time in a team is a key prerequisite for mutual success. Team manager should therefore begin with the consideration that the ability to focus is as important as collaboration. Apart from the possibility to meet and discuss he should also provide the team members a quiet place for concentrated thinking, writing, etc. Nothing else steals time more reliably than the inability to concentrate, which quickly reflects on productivity.

More tips on how not to lose time and productivity in teamwork were published on

Reduce phone calls

Why to plan a teleconference only for 30 or 60 minutes? Try fifteen or twenty minutes and you may find that such calls are not only shorter but also more efficient.

Cancel regular meetings

Do you really need to meet on the same day and at same time? Look at the calendar and think which team meetings are really necessary.

Create agenda for each meeting

Really important meetings should be attended only by team members whose participation is necessary. And do not meet if you do not have a clearly set agenda.

Solve immediate requirements by phone

Do not create an environment in which your people will constantly check e-mail under the stress that you want something urgent by e-mail.

Do not work into the night

Long-term overworking will not help you. Especially when your people do not want to leave sooner than you, deliberately leave soon.


Article source CBS MoneyWatch - server of the CBS media group related to management and sales
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