How to be a good coach to your team


A team leader may also be a coach of his people when he finds time for them even in the busiest times, listens to them and asks how he can help. Are you asking how to start? There is nothing easier than to ask members of your team to prepare a list of things they want to achieve and suggestions how you can help them with achieving them. Then arrange a coaching session where you will not tell your people what to do, but mainly listen and ask questions. Then hold such coaching sessions regularly.

Coaching cannot function without trust. Therefore, share common interests with your team, clearly express your appreciation and be careful not to disappoint your people by your actions. Inquire what interests individual workers the most and delegate tasks accordingly. Try also to enhance their motivation to work on tasks that are not popular but necessary. Show how they are linked with corporate objectives.

Show your people how to impress others and how they influence their surroundings. Don't give up coaching even if you learn that someone wants to leave your team. Help him prepare for the new career step. It is always better for you to keep him as engaged as possible until he leaves.

If you don't succeed as a coach, put your ego aside and consider whether your team would not benefit from getting another coach.


Article source Management Today - website of a UK management magazine
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