Good and effective is not the same


An effective leader successfully achieves his goals. That does, however, not mean that he is also a good leader since Hitler or Stalin were effective leaders, too. What makes a good leader and how to become one? Start by not "doing things right" but by "doing the right things". A good leader thinks about the purpose of his actions and asks whether the target he determined for his team or organization can create a long-term value. Only responding to emerging situations is not enough.

A good leader is also responsible and has high ethical standards. He treats people fairly and do not lie, cheat or do anything worse to get ahead. He does not achieve his goals at the cost of exhaustion, demoralization or other damage to his people. He does not devastate the surroundings either.

Another sign of a good leader is the ability to develop his followers. He is not affraid of developing leadership skills among his subordinates, he is actively engaged in it. When leaving an organization, he leavesit in better condition than it was before his arrival.


Article source Psychology Today - a U.S. magazine and online community focused on psychology
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