Why should firms start with social media and who should be in charge?


This was the title of an interesting presentation by a social media consultant, Adam Zbiejczuk, at a conference "The new ways of internal cooperation: SOCIAL BUSINESS." Social media are traditionally perceived primarily as a marketing tool. But the reality is more complex, so they are not to be ignored.

Social media are widely used for customer services (aftercare), PR, marketing, web marketing, sales and HR. Project manager for social media will, therefore, have a very wide range of activities. For the success of his or her initiative, management support is absolutely necessary.

What should an internal social media guru look like?

First of all, he or she should be absolutely heated for their work. They must believe in it. Ideally, he or she should have a long-term experience at various positions in their company. Comprehensive knowledge of the company is necessary for effective implementation of all tools of social business.

The selected person must be an excellent networker who has or can gain the trust of their colleagues and superiors. And because social media also function as a communication tool with customers, this person will become an ambassador of clients in his company, where he will communicate their needs. In relation to the customers, on the other hand, he will act as an ambassador of the company. This requires excellent communication skills, strong nerves and a good dose of empathy.

Finally, this position is only suitable for those who use social media themselves. The ability to quickly learn new things is an obvious must.

Authenticity above all

Adam Zbiejczuk does not recommend outsourcing this job, because experience at a company is not transferable. In addition, knowledge of weaknesses of a business through feedback from the outside helps company develop and change for the better.

The best brand ambassadors are the employees. And each of them is actively doing their job - someone over beer at a pub, others on Facebook.

However, if you don’t trust your people, then it makes no sense at all to start social business.

What about the fans?

Effective communication is not about getting fans. It may even be reversed, because the more fans you have, the harder it is to engage them. Therefore, rather than focusing on this figure, look at the "people talking about this."

The best brands with excellent tools for communicating on social media reach 25% display rate. Usually it is less than 10%.

A relatively easy, yet inexpensive and effective solution for communicating on social media may be a network of branches; a large company with not a single page, but several pages on social media depending on where its branches are. They then starts their own, more personal communication with fans, whom they often know personally, i.e. the level of involvement will grow. In addition, the corporation sets up an effective instrument for controlling the quality of customer service provided by their employees.

Important information with universal validity for the whole chain is published on each of the branch pages, thus increasing the likelihood of its transmission to clients.

In most cases, however, that true community can only be created around corporate websites. Social media can serve as a tool for its expansion and enlivenment.

The conference " The new ways of internal cooperation: SOCIAL BUSINESS " was held at the National Technical Library in Prague on June 5, 2012. HR News and Management News were the media partners of the event. Therefore, we can pass on to our readers the main points of some of the presentations in a series of articles.

