The Ten Commandments of fear management


Are you constantly afraid of something? Are you afraid that something bad will happen to you? Do these fears wake you up in the middle of the night? Then maybe you’ve made it to the phase where you feel that you cannot stop your fear. You can find comfort in the fact that these days more and more people have a problem with chronic fear. But it would be even better to actively focus on the following steps that can help you get your fear under control. They were described on the Psychology Today server by anxiety expert and psychology professor at the British University of Sussex Graham Davey.

1. Don’t devote your energy to fear, but to problem solving.
2. Don’t allow yourself to ask “what if…” questions.
3. Do not comfort yourself with the excuse that fear will help you to not make a mistake.
4. Learn to accept uncertainty as a fact of life that you cannot avoid.
5. Try maintaining a positive attitude because a bad attitude only makes fears worse.
6. Do not suppress unexpected fears. Accept that they exist and search for a solution.
7. Learn to manage the time that you will spend dealing with your fears. Plan it, for example, for a certain part of the day.
8. If you keep asking “what if…?”, change this question to “what can I do?”.
9. If fear wakes you from your sleep, prepare a pencil and paper on your bedside table. You’ll see that if you write your fears down, you will sleep much better.
10. Always focus on what you are doing at the given moment.


Article source Psychology Today - a U.S. magazine and online community focused on psychology
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