Real charisma must be developed


Natural charisma only works up to a certain point and soon loses its impact in the professional world. If you want to develop real charisma, you have to work at it. This means developing relationships with the people around you, having a positive effect on them and giving them the opportunity to feel better about themselves. A truly charismatic person is someone that others want to be around and that others want to be like. It’s not about being superficially successful or the ability to present oneself well, it’s about everything you do. The ten typical habits of charismatic people were summarized by the website:

1. They listen more than they speak

They maintain eye contact, laugh, nod, ask questions. They make it clear to others that they are important to them and that they appreciate them.

2. They don’t choose whom they will listen to

They listen to everyone with whom they speak, without regard for their position or conviction. They stick with the principle that we are all people and everybody has something to say.

3. They pay full attention to others

When they speak with someone, they don’t write text messages at the same time, they don’t look at the computer monitor; in fact, they don’t do anything else.

4. They don’t think about what they can get

On the contrary, they focus on what they can give.

5. They don’t act as though they’re important

They know well that only other “important” people spend time with “important” people.

6. They know that others are more important

They learn from others, and they consider that more important than what they already know and are good at.

7. They know how to praise

They observe what people around them are doing well and they express their thanks for that. They help them feel important and successful.

8. They choose their words wisely

They know that the choice of words can significantly influence the behavior of others. That is why they avoid sentences such as “you have to do something.”

9. They don’t gossip about others

They do not respect gossipers and they don’t sink to their level. They don’t make fun of others.

10. They know how to acknowledge their own failures

Charisma goes hand in hand with sincerity. Charismatic people know how to laugh at themselves and the people laugh with them, not at them.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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