Introverts are not to be ashamed


Most advice on how to succeed at work is set for extroverts. What should, however, an introvert whose assertive colleagues will not let him to say a word do? First, he should find a job that will match his nature and needs. Introverts generally prefer positions with a high degree of autonomy in decision-making and companies that offer them opportunities to work in a quiet environment. They work better in teams where everyone has clearly defined roles and everything is not decided in joint discussions and brainstorming. Furthermore, they should obey the following rules:

Find time for yourself

Whatever your job may be, find elements that suit your introverted nature in it. Take care to spend regular breaks in a quiet place.

Choose where to go

Even if you as an introvert scares parties and other after-hours joint activities, you should not lose the opportunity to spend time with your colleagues and acquaintances. Choose actions that work best for you, you do not have to go everywhere. And talk only with people you want to speak with, you do not have to delat with everybody.

Do not be shy for your talent

Learn to take your introversion as a valuable quality. Introverts are diligent, conscientious and focused on their work. They have a great advantage in creative thinking because they can take the attention away from etmeselved and deal with the real cores of things. In comparison with extroverts, they are much better in delegating, which makes them better leaders.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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