Why are employees leaving you?


Unnecessary managerial errors lead to the departure of even the most loyal employees, especially if they see no chance of a promotion or transfer to another work place. The most common errors that managers make while managing their teams were published by talentmgt.com. The article also includes tips for correcting the problems.

1. You don’t challenge your team members enough

Do your people have enough space to deal with complicated assignments and learn new things so that they can develop their full potential? If you are not sure, there is nothing simpler than writing down the skills of individual employees and documenting the assigned tasks and growth opportunities. This will make it easier to ensure that everyone has regular opportunities for growth.

2. You believe that a management position automatically means you have authority

You have to earn the confidence of your subordinates. This means respecting each team member as an individual and not requiring absolute obedience.

3. You don’t provide any feedback

Much has already been said and written about feedback, but it’s still something managers have trouble with. And when they do praise or criticize their people, they are not specific enough. Yet specific feedback is just as important as regular feedback.

4. You don’t want to get your hands dirty

The most respected managers are able to help their people with demanding and unpopular tasks. They are a real part of the team. If it’s been a long time since you’ve helped with a task, make yourself available at the first opportunity.

5. You are inaccessible

Do you know your people’s strengths and weaknesses? Do you know what their opinion is on important issues? Do you share minor experiences from your life with them? If you don’t, then start working on your people skills. Ask, initiate informal meetings and admit your mistakes.


Article source Talent Management - U.S. magazine and website for talent management and HR professionals
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