Ethical rules in coworking centers


The first coworking center was established in San Francisco in 2005. Since then, these shared working facilities for independent professionals have become popular all around the world. Freelancers of different professions work in such centers even in Prague, Brno, Pisek, Jihlava and other Czech cities.

Coworking centers are equipped with office furniture and connection to the Internet and offer both meeting rooms and rooms to take a short break during work. They are generally cheaper than hiring separate offices and, moreover, have the advantage of helping to create professional communities and avoid the typical shortcommings of home working. On the other hand, there are certain ethical specifics of coworking. According to, it is essential to keep the following rules:

Do not expect absolute silence

Most of the time, the people around you will talk. You can talk as well, it is not widely expected that you must whisper. However, it is important to familiarize yourself with the way things work in a particular center in advance.

Be independent

Before you disturb others with your questions, consider whether you could not solve a given problem yourself. For example, the wi-fi password will certainly be written on your desk or somewhere nearby.

Follow the prearranged time

Do not stay in the center longer than you agreed or than it is open. Nobody wants to remind you that you have to leave or even order you to leave.

Behave in a friendly manner

Introduce yourself to the people you meet regularly and participate in any joint actions. Coworker communities are excellent sources of information, knowledge and skills to grow your business.

Promote each other via social networks

Join your colleagues from the center on social networks, recommend and encourage each other.

Familiarize yourself with the rules of eating and drinking

In most centers, coffee and tea or even wine and beer are available. Some centres offer even free snacks. Be careful, however, not to drink or eat anything you are not sure is freely available to all. Keeping the kitchen clean is a matter of course.


Article source Mashable - a digital media website
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