The biggest obstacles to leadership development


Leadership development, like any other skill development, have its own pitfalls and typical obstacles. Just because these obstacles keep repeating, we should remind them to be more able to avoid them. Ten most common obstacles to successful leadership were described in an article on, the summary of which we bring bellow.

1. You think that it cannot happen to you

Each leader must reckon with the fact that there may be things that could hinder or even stop his development. To realize what hinders you, you have to admit that it can happen to you.

2. You cannot take advantage of your mistakes

Mistakes are the foundation of every learning and growth. You must therefore learn to use your mistakes as opportunities to learn and do not repeat them any more.

3. You do not let others to help you

Everyone who learns something new needs help. Working with a coach is ideal for leadership development.

4. You cannot ask for what you need

Developing leadership skills requires you to be able to communicate with your superiors and ask them for everything  you need for your new role. Create conditions for your success.

5. You do not involve your team

This barrier is represented mainly by a constant need to control your subordinates and your inability to delegate. A leader must create an environment in which others can succeed as well.

6. You do not understand the work of the people you shall lead

To be able to lead a group of people - especially in the case of a new role and a new team - you should know the basics of this group's work.

7. You do not have sufficient credibility in the area of leadership

In a broader leadership role, you cannot know the details of the work of each group but you need a good knowledge of leadership itself - from selecting your team to setting priorities and decision making.

8. You cannot get rid of old tools

If a leader does not fully understand the work of his team, he has a greater tendency to use the tools proved in the past. In a new role, this may not be the right way.

9. You cannot use the dynamics of leadership

A leader must be able to accept the power and responsibility he has over the others. Even if he is uncomfortable with it, he must learn to work with it effectively and ethically.

10. You have a too good memory

If you want to really remember something about leadership development, remember that a lot of things should be forgotten so that you could move on. One bad day should not discourage you from your efforts. Do not sink into either your or others' mistakes.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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