A guide to difficult conversations with employees


A number of situations occur in managerial practice where it is necessary to handle certain unpleasant or complicated matters with employees. Even though this is almost daily bread, many managers tend to avoid complicated conversations with employees for as long as possible. The results of this are clear. That is why you should read the following recommendations on what to do and not do during difficult meetings with employees. The recommendations can be applied in almost any situation.

Clearly explain what you expect

If you are speaking to an employee and want him/her to improve in something, be as specific as possible. Requirements such as “You have to be more aggressive and proactive” are not enough.

Allow employees to show emotions

Some people simply need to let off steam, complain or even scream. Don’t block it. Allow the employee to express his/her emotions and then get back to the topic so that you can resolve it together.

Concentrate on the problems, not on personal criticism of the employee

Your goal is to show the individual concerned that his/her behavior is important and influences everyone around. But if you point your finger at him/her, you will not be helping yourself. Watch out for the pronoun “you”.

Watch out for “but”

Some managers choose a strategy of praise, followed by criticism: “You did very good work, but... .” However, this strategy is short-sighted. Try to replace the conjunction “but” with the conjunction “and”: You did very good work and now let’s talk about how you can be even better.”

Learn how to be silent

In stressful situations you will have the tendency to fill every brief moment of silence. If you become aware of this, you can overcome this tendency. Instead, learn how to be silent and give the employees time to express themselves. You’ll be surprised by what you can find out without even asking a question.


Article source HR Morning - American portal for HR managers
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