Disadvantages of telecommuting and their solutions


Lots of people dream of working from home. Those who are already working like that, know that it has plenty of downsides. What are the main disadvantages of telecommuting and how to deal with them?

  1. Difficult communication. When you are not in the office, you cannot just stop by to ask a question at the desk next to yours, or just by the way hear a gossip from the CEO's secretary. Therefore, you can easily miss important information. You must make more efforts to create good workplace relationships with colleagues. But if you really try hard to communicate with them, it certainly is possible.
  2. Career advancement obstacles. Though you meet or even exceed the targets, corporate cultures often do not allow career advancement of those who work from home. What also happens is that you will receive only simple tasks, based on which career advancement would not even be possible. Demonstrate your dedication by ensuring regular personal visits and spending enough time to build positive personal relationships.
  3. Bad relationships. Teleworking is lonely. Relationship building in the vicinity becomes more difficult. People who work this way, should make such a program in order to meet with someone else than with TV characters. Quality social relationships enable you to provide productive work online.
  4. Overwhelming schedule. People working remotely often have less freedom than those who go to an office. Whenever they are at the computer, they are available for work. This applies all the more if there is a different time zone between the actual workplace and the person concerned. Working from home does not mean that you have to make up for something and be always available. Quite the contrary - this approach leads to burnout. Create your working hours and then stick to them. If you can't, hire an office nearby to separate your work from your privacy.
  5. Loss of culture. Isolation makes you miss what bonds your colleagues together. Try to stay in touch with the company culture. Celebrate success through social media, take a virtual drink. Communicate not only workwise, but also just for fun. Be part of the team.

When working from home, you should get up and change from your pajamas. Realize the pitfalls of your isolation and find the correct balance between career building and maintaining a flexible work schedule.


Article source U.S. News & World Report - news and information focused on education, health, money, travel and opinion
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