5 recommendations for improving your communication


If you want to improve your communication skills, try the following five recommendations presented by the PR Daily website.

  1. Be concise. It’s easy to listen to your own words. But if you can say something in 50 words, there’s no need to say 100 of them. You make your communication less effective that way.
  2. It has to make sense. Don’t speak just to say something. The meaning and goal of the message should be clear to you before you start speaking or writing.
  3. Having too many messages is confusing. People don’t remember everything you had in mind. Memory experts say that if you want people to remember your message, it should not consist of more than 7 points. Three of them can be the key ones that you really want your audience to remember. But it’s much better to have one message and communicate it from multiple points of view. Otherwise you’ll confuse your audience easily.
  4. Use words and metaphors that your audience understands well and that are meaningful to them. You will speak differently to company CEO’s and to a group of manual workers. Each group of people has its own expressions that work well for it. And examples work well for all them.
  5. Listen more than you speak. Listening is the key to understanding your audience. You can only communicate effectively if you listen well. If you do not sympathize with your audience, it will be much more difficult to convince them to listen to you and understand you. This is because the law of reciprocity applies in effective two-way communication.


Article source Ragan's PR Daily - news, advice, and opinions on the public relations, marketing, social media, and media worlds
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