Even you can work more efficiently


If you ask an office worker what steals most his time at work, he will probably mention e-mail or unnecessary meetings. You surely know that his is only the beginning. We encounter more and more obstacles to productive work every day and soon start to feel that we cannot do anything with it. If this is your case, too, then read how to at least double your daily productivity through the following steps. Inc.com advises:

Avoid meetings without agenda

Without a clearly prepared schedule, you would only lose your time as wel as the time of others.

Don't pick up calls from unknown people

When you are not working as a telephone operator or in customer support, you have no reason to accept calls from strangers. In most cases, it is nothing important.

Deactivate your voice mail

You can read what you must listen for long minutes in your voice mail in a few seconds in your e-mail.

Learn to filter e-mail

Take the advantage of automatic filtering of incoming e-mails into folders according to various criteria. The initial investment of time to set the filters will return to you many times when you will not have tens or hundreds of e-mails that don't have to be addressed immediately in your inbox.

Learn to turn off your phone and e-mail

Don't get distracted. Cultivate a strong will and get back to your e-mail and phone only when you actually complete the task you are working on.

Don't engage in discussions about anything

Some people will be going around you here and there and, under the guise of work-related discussions, they will just try to pass their time talking about nothing. Make it clear that you don't have time for such discussions.

Enjoy quality food

What you eat, determines how much energy you have. Sugars help only for short periods and fatty foods don't help even for that.

Taker a walk every hour

Get up for five minutes to walk around the office or hallway. The human body is not built for all-day sitting and needs to stretch.

Decide faster

Don't waste your time by unnecessarily questioning your decisions. It is better to decide "only" well now than to look for the best solution that does not exist.

Disconnect for 12 hours a day

When you are constantly on, you cannot relax. Take a rest purposefully.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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