How to take advantage of a slow day at work


We all occasionally have days at work when there is less to do than usual. Since, however, days like that don’t come around too often, we should learn how to use them more strategically. Instead of taking care of personal matters, surfing the Internet or chatting with colleagues, try following the advice published by

Organize the things you didn’t have time for on busier days

Clean up your desk and mind. Focus on decisions, papers and emails you’ve been putting off. Stick to the “handle yourself, delegate or throw out” method.

Write down your successes

Make a list of what you recently accomplished. This will help you not only in your preparations for the performance evaluation, but also if an attractive position that you would like to be promoted to opens up.

Plan for the following days

Remind yourself that five minutes of planning will save you 30 minutes of action. Plan what you will do in the next days and weeks as well as what you will do when a slower day comes along again.


Renew contact with people from your field, classmates or former colleagues. Let them know what you’re doing and be interested in what they are doing. You can come across attractive business opportunities.

Strengthen relationships with your team

Use a slower day to go for lunch with your team, colleagues or even with your bosses. Talk about your broader intentions, strengthen the feeling of cohesion. Try to listen more than you speak.

Work on your dreams

Spend an hour thinking about how you would like things to develop in the future. Imagine new possibilities and how to accomplish the things you’d like to accomplish.

Learn something new

Read an interesting article in a specialized magazine or on the Internet, participate in discussions on specialized forums. You can send links to interesting information from your field to colleagues and clients.

Get more exercise

Find an activity that will make you move. Go for a walk or to the gym so that you clear your mind.

Offer yourself as a volunteer

Try offering your help to a colleague or another department. You can learn new things and have a good time at the same time.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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