Team building: Mediocrity is not enough


Anyone who wants to build a great team should start by not settling for mediocrity. Dismissals are not pleasant for anyone, which is why a considerable attention should be paid to the initial selection of team members. If mediocrity occurs despite a careful selection, offer the person all possible support to improve. If that fails, you should be ready to say goodbye. This piece of advice opens the article titled "12 Simple Things A Leader Can Do To Build A Phenomenal Team" published on Further advice include:

Build the position of a thought leader

The stronger authority in your field you are, the more talents will be interested in joining your team. Begin e.g. by publishing your experience through articles.

Work with people you can trust

Even highly intelligent hardworking people should not have a place in your team if you cannot trust them.

Beware of money in the first place

Look for people who have a passion for your field and a motivation to improve your team, not those who are immediately interested in money.

Take an interest in the personal lives of your people

Remember that everyone has a life outside of work and your relationships will be better when you know something about yourselves as human beings. Celebrate important moments of their lives with your people - birthdays, weddings, etc.

Bet on diversity

A good team needs people with different opinions and ideas. Try to involve more women, older people or foreigners.

Feel free to be friends with your employees

If you can maintain focus on your work goals and the subordinates' accountability to you, there is no reason why you could not be friends.

Empower your people to take advantage of their strengths

Everyone should do what he knows best. The manager can, however, also observe the weaknesses of his people and help them improve.

Share information

Help your people to become independent leaders. Start by sharing interesting articles and books to make them familiar with the current trends and encourage critical thinking.

Reward exceptional work

Find ways to reward people for their superior performance so that it inspires them to continue working beyond their duties. An expression of thanks in any form has a very strong motivational character.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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