11 steps to a healthier office work


A healthier behaviour at work is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. All of us surely know that we have to move more and eat less to be healthy. However, there are also smaller, simpler steps we can take to be heathier when performing an office work. The steps were summarized by Geoffrey James, a popular author of managerial advice on Inc.com.

  1. Walk up the stairs. It will improve you blood circulation and help you to burn calories.

  2. Drink plenty of water. Dehydration causes fatigue. Men should drink three and women two liters of liquids a day.

  3. Have a big breakfast. You need to refuel after the overnight "starvation" and gain enough energy until noon.

  4. Eat fruits for snacks. Buy fruit instead of sweet biscuits and donuts. Choose fruit that is easy to eat so that you don't have to clean your workplace and wash yourself complicatedly after each snack.

  5. Enjoy a coffee. Moderate coffee drinking during the day does no harm, on the contrary, it is beneficial. Try just to reduce the amount of sugar.

  6. Breathe deeply. When we are stressed, we breathe quickly and superficially. Deep breathing helps to calm down and get more blood to the brain in order to work better.

  7. Let your eyes relax. Eyes of office workers are more tired than the eyes of people who work outdoors because they constantly look at a nearby single point. Relax your eyes by regularly looking at a distant point such as out of the window.

  8. Stretch yourself. The human body was not created to sit for a log time. Therefore, stand up regularly and stretch or walk around the office. Feel free to set regular notifications.

  9. After eating your lunch, go for a walk. It will help you with digestion and you will also be able to think better when you return to work.

  10. Try to take a nap. Some studies confirm that a short nap at work increases work performance. Try, then, if it works for you. You can take a nap, for instance, in the car for your colleagues not to see you.

  11. Smile. Be optimistic. Don't demage your life by anger and discontent.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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