That is how you form the impression that you don't want to take responsibility for anything and you can make excuses that many people know about a particular issue.
4. You can't schedule meetings
You ignore other people's calendars and only tell others to reschedule their already arranged meetings because of a meeting with you. You feel free to schedule a meeting even instead of a lunch.
5. You don't participate in project planning meetings
However, once a project is running, you come up with reasons why it was poorly planned.
6. You don't agree with anything
No matter what somebody come to you with, you can immediately see obstacles and failure. You are, however, not able to suggest a solution yourself.
7. You only pretend agreement
You agree on a certain solution together. However, once you act without the others, you ignore what you have agreed on.
8. You receive only praise
You always come early to get praise and leave early before you can be criticized or accused of a failure.
9. You always want to do the opposite
Whatever you are dealing with, you are always in opposition. You argue with the others just to argue. However, you may soon find that others will purposely tell you the opposite of what they want so you agree with their true intentions.
10. You can't say no
You are accumulating others' requirements which are more or less connected with your priorities. You are more and more nervous and the projects you are working on are getting worse and worse. And that is no more a problem of yourself but about of the whole your team.
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