Leadership mistakes of project managers


It is the human factor which remains the weakest link of many projects. Project managers simply have to deal with the fact that their teams consist of different individuals whose behaviour cannot be automatically predicted. It is, however, not about finding ways to diminish the personality differences but about developing such environment in which different personalities can cooperate more efficiently. Four mistakes, which often occur in this context, were pointed out by the server PM Hut.

1. You think that something is important only because it is you who says that

The project team needs to have a certain common purpose. Instead of just announcing it, you as a project manager must sell it to every individual in the team.

2. You think that the members of your team can communicate with each other

Project manager should be a good facilitator who is able to steer discussions within the team. It is necessary to direct the discussions so that your team understands that the cooperation on seeking solutions is more efficient than speculations about opinions of individuals.

3. You think that the members of your team can make decisions together

Efficient project managers teach their teams to frame common decisions in an objective and comprehensive way and, in so doing, to evaluate risks, seek crucial information and make use of the opinions of the others.

4. You think that feedback is not important

Still, feedback is one of the most important instruments of leadership of the project team management. Your employees need to hear what works and what does not.


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