Say goodbye to troublemakers


Are there employees who do more harm than good in your team? Then you should stop overlooking this fact  and you should carefully consider whether your can afford such people. Even one bad employee can negatively affect all the others. However, how to know when to really say goodbye to a specific employee? The seven following types of employees who should not be in your team were mentioned by Steve Tobak on

1. Troublemaker

No employee should cause more problems than positive contributions.

2. Overpromising employee

A team member who constantly promises what he can't meet, will soon annoy even the most thick-skinned colleagues.

3. Customer menace

An employee who works directly with customers must understand that the interest of the company is to retain its customers and not an employee with a bad attitude.

4. Unable or unwilling employee

Each team member should know what he is paid for. If neither trainings nor other supporting tools help him to achieve the desired performance, it is time to say goodbye.

5. Unreliable employee

Why should you have someone you can't trust in your team?

6. Notorious complainer

An employee who is only waiting for opportunities to complain occupies the post you can offer not only to someone more pleasant, but also to someone more productive.

7. Employee who fails to comply with the basic principles of conduct

Each company has its own specifics in terms of employee behavior. However, if it is natural for someone to lie, not respect his superiors or ignore the company's rules, he should not be so sure with his job in your company.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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