5 tips for new coaches


Are you thinking about becoming a coach or do you want to add the coaching approach to your management style? Then it could be useful for you to read the following recommendations for new coaches which were published on the International Coach Federation (ICF) blog.

1. Remember that coach is not advisor

A coach does not tell others what to do. He helps them to think about different options from which to choose what the believe in the most.

2. Listen more than speak

Let your coachees speak. They should express their thoughts, you should listen carefully and ask questions.

3. Be flexible

The sessions with your coachees can't always be planed according to a fixed script. Let them develop their ideas and don't force them to accept your idea of what they should speak about.

4. Trust your people

If you don't believe in the human potential of your coachees, you will not reach anything. Don't be afraid to ask them unpleasant questions if you feel that it can help them.

5. Don't look down on them

As a coach, you should not see yourself in a higher role from which you could give orders to your coachees. You need to gain their trust and willingness to work together.


Article source ICF - International Coach Federation - a leading global organization dedicated to the coaching profession
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