Three tips to develop leaders in your team


When managing the daily tasks, managers often have no time left to promote innovative thinking and develop leadership skills of their subordinates. The website, therefore, asked experts for recommendations on how to make subordinates better leaders. We have summarized the most interesting recommendations for you bellow.

Listen and ask questions

Your people need to know that you are listening to them and respecting them. Then they have more motivation to come up with new proposals. Make sure you are not afraid to do things differently than they were done before even though it could mean a failure.

Clearly explain goals and trust your people

All the efforts of your people should be linked to your goals and your confidence. Employees who know the goals but have no trust will stop trying soon. Those you trust will be trying, but they will only be wasting their time without knowing the goals.

Give your people a chance to shine

Offer them more flexibility so that they could apply something they like in their work. Let them also show the success of their work to others and inspire them.


Article source - network of professional blogs
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