Do you really deserve a pay raise?


Do you feel that you deserve a pay raise, but your boss does probably not think so? It may be caused by various factors. Therefore, consider whether your expectations are relevant before you decide to ask for a raise. Generally speaking, base your request on the rules for salary increases that are common in your company. Try to get as much information as possible about the company's financial health. In the next steps, focus on your own behavior and make sure you are not guilty of the following mistakes.

You are doing no more that what is written in your job description

Your superiors want to see that you can do something extra. Ideally, try to make their work easier. You can e.g. try to come up with a solution to a problem your boss is often complaining about.

You are not drawing attention to your successes

Do not walk around the company proclaiming that you are the best. You should, however, not keep quiet about what you have achieved either. Mention your achievements when talking to your boss about what you are working on. You can also send your boss a copy of an e-mail in which you are being praised.

You don't focus on your professional development

Honestly answer the question whether you are able to keep up with the development of your field. To be in the picture, read professional journals or websites regularly and inquire about the possibility of attending courses or conferences.

You can't solve problems on your own

Do not bother your boss or colleagues with every little thing. Do not complain about everything either. Rather search for solutions. At the same time, be careful not to get constantly reminded by others about meeting your deadlines or because you are repeating the same mistakes.

You want a pay raise because of your personal problems

Your debts are not a sufficient argument. The only strong argument for a salary increase is your performance and the value you bring to the company.

You do not know the situation on the labor market

Try to get familiar with the economic situation of the company. Then visit the website of the Czech Statistical Office and find the latest information on the development of salaries in your industry and region. Job servers such as or publish regular statistics of average salaries, too.

You are afraid to ask

If the above problems are not your problems, you have no reason to be afraid to ask. Although you do not have to get a pay raise now, you do not have to be shy. You can talk with your supervisor about your further career plans openly.


Article source LearnVest - U.S. server focused of managing personal finances and career
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