Are you a trustworthy manager?


Employees, customers and co-workers of managers need to know well what to expect from them. Therefore, one of the basic prerequisites of a successful manager is his credibility. If you want to make sure you are sufficiently trustworthy and whether you do not spoil your credibility yourselves, read the following recommendations by Steve Tobak, author of the popular management advices on the business server

Do not pretend you can do everything

You might not think so, but others do not expect that you will have answers to all questions. They know that you also are only human. This applies similarly in the case when a manager promises something he is unable to fulfill. People around him will soon recognize that he is not able to fulfill his promises, and they would prefer if he did not lie. When it comes to lying, do not lie even in good faith. Be optimistic, but in moderation.

Do not pretend you are someone else

Pretending anything is the sign of uncertainty, and when pretending you are someone else, which applies twofold. A strong leader is self-confident and keeps working in order to become even better version of himself. He is not excessively politically correct either, he just tries to be natural.

Do not just say what others want to hear

Your task is not to agree at any cost. A manager must have his own opinion and should be able to confidently communicate it to others. However, it does not mean demeaning others or treating them as small children. And it does not mean acting too sensitively and reacting angrily.

Do not be too self-focused

A good manager is not self-absorbed. His strengths include a sense of humor and humility.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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