What should you ask your employees?


Is there something missing in your team? Is it motivation, effective communication, or is it something else? Stop worrying about the reason and ask your employees frankly instead. The Daily Muse offers four questions you should ask them:

1. How do you wish to be rewarded for your work?

There is certain to be an established benefit system in your company. However, are you sure that your employees are effectively motivated to work? Would other incentives, e.g., language courses or an additional day off, be more beneficial than the current system? Simply ask your employees what they want.

2. What kind of work environment suits you?

Some people need a quiet place to work, others need soft music or a desk by the window. It is not easy to satisfy everybody. Try to find a compromise and make as many minor changes as you are able. Buy headphones for those who need music to work, allow working at home offices once a week, or let your employees work elsewhere than at their desks. Can you think what else is missing in your work environment?

3. What should I change in my management style?

This question can be slightly intimidating for a manager because it can confuse him about his own ideas regarding his current management style. Maybe you do not maintain sufficient contact or do not trust your employees enough. The longer you hesitate to ask, the more you hinder the effectiveness of your subordinates' work.

4. How can I help you facilitate the work?

Like the previous questions, even this one can also point out the gaps in your knowledge of how to facilitate the work of your employees. Maybe they prefer sending e-mails to personally executing tasks in the office. Or is it the reverse? Find out how to make your employees' jobs easier.


Article source The Muse - U.S. website focused on smart career advice and long-term professional development
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