4 ways how to lead employees who are more experienced than you


You have surly met an experienced professional team led by a young manager who certainly could not have so much experience as his subordinates. It is quite possible that the manager is you. The Daily Muse website tells you how to behave in the situation when your employees know more than you.

1. Honesty above all

Do not give uncertain answers to your subordinates' questions just because you feel obligated to know everything as a manager. Rather admit that you are not sure and offer to find information even if you it takes you a few hours. You will get your employees' respect. Admitting that you don't know something is annoying, but giving wrong information is worse.

2. Learn from others

Everyone has passed his first day in a new company and was forced to orientate in the company’s processes and the work of others. Spend a few days acclimatizing in the new workplace and sit with everyone in the team for a while to find out more about his work and responsibilities.

3. Let others evaluate you

Your subordinates in the team have experienced many process changes during the years of practice in the company. They have seen what works and where the deficits are. You, as a manager, are looking for ways to streamline processes and bring new ideas to the business. Why should you, therefore, repeat something that someone has already tried before? Ask your team for feedback and find an innovative solution together.

4. Give recognition

The skills and experience of everyone in your team are valuable for the functioning of the company's processes. So let your ego behind and appreciate the contribution of each employee. This will bring you their respect and create a good relationship.


Article source The Muse - U.S. website focused on smart career advice and long-term professional development
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