What nobody advises women in leadership?


The need for equal representation of men and women in leadership positions is still increasing. A huge number of larger organizations, such as food processing, IT sector and pharmaceutical companies have, for sometime, been struggling to provide equal leadership opportunities. Moreover, there are countless guides and tips about how to get to the top and successfully lead people. However, does this advice provide information impartially to both male and female leaders? What advice can women in leadership positions boldly ignore and, more importantly, what information is missing? This issue was discussed the Smart Blogs website.

1. A great leader has to be empathetic

Empathy is perfectly fine. Women, however, are more likely to innately have this ability to listen. Advice for women in leadership should rather be, that a great leader has to know how to listen emphatically, while maintaining an emotional distance and without losing objectivity. It is necessary to maintain a balance between your needs, the needs of others and the company.

2. A great leader is flexible and accommodating

Also flexibility is not bad. Today's turbulent economy definitely requires adaptability to changing circumstances. A woman leader is, in general, more receptive to the opinions of others. As a woman, you have to be careful to take a stand and stick to your opinions when necessary. Your goal is not to get the approval of others, but to bring value into the discussion through your own opinions and comments. Learn how to influence others.

3. A great leader does not bask in the limelight

The sharing of credit is a great motivator for team work. Unfortunately, most women are uncomfortable with taking credit for themselves and instead rely on praise from others. Advice for women should rather be: A great leader looks for authentic and appropriate ways to take credit for successful team leadership. There is no need to boast like a little girl, but you need to look for ways to take credit effectively and not only for your own benefit.


Article source SmartBlogs.com - network of professional blogs
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