Stop procrastination!

That important analysis has to be done by Friday. However, it is only Monday, so you have plenty of time. However, on Tuesday you find out that you must spend the next day on an unplanned business trip. That only leaves Thursday morning to deal with that important task. You frantically finish your backlog at the latest minute. Then you wonder where the workweek went. Does your working methodology look like this? Then learn to say NO to chronic procrastination with the Business Know-How website.

1. Write down the tasks that you have been putting off. This helps you to target them better.

2. Identify the emotions that are preventing you from handling certain tasks. Is it fear, anger, helplessness?

3. Unleash emotional reactions and take time in private to express or release these feelings constructively. Run, cry, stomp around. Definitely let the steam out of the pressure cooker.

4. Determine your goal, in order to have a clearer idea of the task to be performed.

5. Do not sabotage your motivation to complete the task. Sentences like "It is impossible do or finish." or similar thoughts will sabotage your efforts. It is preferable to believe that your boss would not entrust you with this task if he did not consider you a competent person.

6. Divide the task into smaller parts that are easier, in your view, to complete.  Then by continuing systematically, you will see how easily you can handle the whole task.

7. Be prepared for possible problems that may occur during the execution of the task. Have a plan B if the first option fails.

8. Overcome the resistance that is discouraging you from completing the task. Face stubborn barriers with toughness and keep your negative emotions in check.

9. Praise yourself for each completed step and never forget the goal and the positive feelings you will have when you finish the work.


Article source Business Know-How - U.S. website focused on small and home business
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