7 thought-provoking business tips


From its posts in the past week, the Open Forum website chose the best business tips that can improve productivity in different areas of your entrepreneurship. Here they are in brief:

1. Presence does not mean productivity

Do not focus so much on whether an employee comes to work exactly on time or after eight a.m. is just parking in front of the building. If this or the other employees' performance brings positive results, consider greater flexibility in working hours.

2. Work with experts

Do you have a company blog? Well done. Connect with some experts in your business and publish their articles on related topics. It is a win-win form of collaboration. You get content and the contributor publicity.

3. Use press kits

Are you planning an interview or a press conference? Always provide journalists with the materials you wish to present. Thus, you reduce the likelihood of misinterpretation of some of your facts and findings.

4. Avoid competition

It is dangerous to sail on a raft in waters full of sharks. Do not do the same thing as your competitors. Do you have the possibility to reduce production costs, improve the design, use different distribution channels or provide additional premium service? Think about why the leaders in your industry are so unique. Can they still improve in some way? Could you be the first?

5. Have you tried the cloud?

Small company or large, each is struggling with routine tasks that vacuum energy from its executors. Get rid of these. There is a variety of cloud-based solutions that help you focus on important things like business strategy. Do you struggle with managing accounts on social networks and your website? Do you have difficulties monitoring expenses? Do you need to share large files? There is an easy solution to everything: of course - the cloud.

6. Look after your mental health

Sometimes you have to reduce the hectic pace and consider if the rhythm you keep is still manageable. Ask yourself the following questions: How am I feeling right now? What am I thinking? What am I doing this minute? A moment dedicated to answering these points will help you remain firmly on the ground.

7. Family business? Beware of your ego

Sometimes it is hard to control your own emotions, especially when you have to work with family members. In such a situation, the personal and working relationships are combined and the negotiations may result in total failure. Be careful also when colleagues are related to each other: by maligning one, you will antagonise both.

What issue interests you the most? Do you have any tips of your own to improve productivity and the health of you and your company? Share your thoughts with us.


Article source OPEN Forum - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs
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