The Analytical Magician, the Intellectual and other people who should not be missing from your team


A diverse team is a must, if you want to achieve innovative and creative ideas. Each individual has strong qualities that should be exploited for the benefit of a common goal. Ideal types of people cooperate almost seamlessly. Who are those talents? The Business 2 Community website identified them is in a recent article.

The Analytical magician

You know the phrase "think out of the box". These people are not trying to look for a solution outside the context of this imaginary "box", but to think differently, unconventionally and outside the established perspective. They analyze this "box" and examine how it could be better designed. Their job is to constantly absorb information from their surroundings and to build connections from these findings.

As a result, the above-mentioned analysts create revolutionary ideas; however, these ideas can sometimes a bit confusing. How do you lead them? Do not overload them with input. They tend to analyze everything and congestion might cause overload. They manage to work on multiple projects. You simply must not constantly confuse them with changes. Clearly define the key points of the project and make sure they understand your expectations. Do not worry about their system of organizing their work, which may seem chaotic. There is likely a unique system behind  their disorganization.

The Sales virtuoso

These people are your champions in sales. They are energetic, positive and love people. They are a perfect judge of character and a healthy dose of ego makes them trusted merchants.

How do you work with them? Try to keep up. Regularly check the number of opportunities and challenges you can offer these people. At the same time, be strict, because some, especially younger ones, sometimes have a tendency to  clash with authority and this should be avoided by rigid hierarchy and rules.  Also, do not forget to follow their development. These salespeople move in different phases and are very active and in motion. Challenges, among other things, also affect their professional performance.

The Donor

The task of these people is to give themselves to the community and to the others in a team. They work hard and tirelessly, and although they can be great leaders, it is not their dream position. Donors prefer to undertake tasks that are assigned to them, rather than to delegate work to others.

How do you deal with them? Be careful about feedback. Donors are really trying to do the maximum, and any criticism can easily destroy them. Therefore, try to solve problems constructively and do not forget to emphasize the benefits. Take care of them, because they do not tend to put themselves forward for promotions or bonuses, although they may be personally dissatisfied. That is why it is necessary to lead regular dialogue and encourage them to be more communicative. They are grateful for what you say or offer them.

The Intellectual

These people are creative and interesting, although they are often introverts. They can perhaps at times struggle with communication barriers and do not feel very comfortable in various social situations. They are able to change jobs until they find the right one that suits them. Then can become your most loyal employees.

How do you work with them? Intellectuals are self-motivated and prefer independence. Therefore, let them breathe a little and do not be too directive. They are more efficient if they can work in a relaxed atmosphere. Let them choose any "isolated" place where they can work well.

Do you have a full and diverse structure of your team or are any of these talents missing?


Article source - open community for business professionals
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