Do you want to win arguments? Learn to be silent


Are you passionate about your work? That is really great but, on the other hand, this may also involve excessive outbursts of emotion. A typical example is when you want to be heard at times when you ought to keep quiet and listen to others. Instead, you are overeager and start arguments you simply cannot win. How should you behave to get your arguments across better? Do not avoid conflicts. Just remind yourself that you need to hold your tongue more often. The following tips from can help you.

Do not take it personally

Negotiations or work-related disputes are not about you but about finding different ways of dealing with certain situations. Do not make decisions when you let your emotions run away with you.

Make a phone call instead

Work out differing views in professional relations ideally in person or at least on the phone. E-mail is not a suitable communication channel because it causes confusion and does not protect privacy.

Do not have to have the last word

Saying something unnecessarily just to have the last word will backfire on you. You certainly know this from your personal life.

Remind yourself that less is often more

Most questions can be answered quickly and easily. The people you work with will appreciate it when you talk briefly. Additionally, they will see it as polite.

Keep some opinions to yourself

Before expressing your opinion, consider whether it will not harm anyone - including yourself and the company. A more diplomatic approach is needed.

Do not be afraid of silence

An awkward silence often occurs in negotiations. You should, however, follow the rule of not speaking first. You have already said what you wanted to say. Now, remain self-confident and wait for a response. The person who speaks first after a moment of silence usually loses the argument.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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