How do you establish yourself as a coach?


As managers, you have probably experienced coaching as a coachee as part of your personal development. Many of you could have become so interested in coaching that you started to apply these techniques when managing your subordinates. Some of you could even have become full-time coaches and offer different types of coaching to individuals or companies. It is, however, not easy to break through as a independent coach; it requires strong entrepreneurial skills. Moreover, many coaches repeat the same mistakes when promoting their brands. William Arruda, dubbed the Personal Branding Guru by Entrepreneur magazine, writes about this in his article on the International Coach Federation (ICF) blog. In his more than ten years of experience in helping coaches to build their brands, his list of the biggest mistakes include:

1. Old website

Coaches are still not fully aware of the fact that nowadays web design is an essential criterion for determining a company's credibility. Websites are no longer one-sided communication channels to share basic information. They can be tools for regular interaction with key people and decision makers. You can identify an outdated web site e.g., by the fact that you can not edit it yourself. It does not allow you to interact with the community centered around your brand, and is not a part of your social media strategy. It consists mainly of written text, missing images and videos.

2. Unclear focus

Do you offer a broad portfolio of coaching services to various types of target customers? Then do not be surprised that you have difficulty obtaining clients. In fact, the more narrowly you define your target audience, the stronger your chances are of getting more clients. The most successful coaches are able to describe their focus and their target customers very precisely. All their efforts are then focused on this narrow group of potential customers.

3. You are not using LinkedIn

If you have you profile on this social network, but have not visited it for months, you are losing many business opportunities. The world's largest professional social network is an ideal place to build your brand identity and reach out to potential clients. You may also gain credibility as an expert on coaching when you regularly publish coaching-related articles.

4. Too much focus on marketing

The key to successfully marketing your coaching practice lies in sharing content - i.e., in content marketing. At the same time, however, you should not waste too much time on marketing. William Arruda recommends making the most of the content you have already created. Repeatedly share it with your community. If you want to create new content, consider connecting with a colleague or colleagues who will then share your content as well.

5. You are trying to sell coaching

William Arruda explains that your clients do not buy coaching, but solutions to their problems. Your personal brand of coaching, not just general coaching, is one such a solution. In today's market, almost anyone can offer coaching. You have to distinguish yourself by your unique and proven solutions.


Article source ICF - International Coach Federation - a leading global organization dedicated to the coaching profession
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