Boost your charisma


Charisma is a kind of personal charm that attracts the attention of others and energizes and motivates them to act. It belongs to the category of the "born or learned" personal traits. The answer is probably somewhere in between - we are born with certain qualities and we learn others throughout our lives. Now let's focus on what we can consciously do to be more charismatic. We summarized useful recommendations by marketing expert Kevin Daum, originally published on These will definitely come in handy as a manager.

Radiate joy

Charismatic people are, at first glance, enjoying their life. They express their emotions, even though they are not always positive. Try to share more of your passion and emotions with other people and help them do the same.

Believe in yourself

Charismatic people act as if they have everything under control, even if it is not true. They believe in themselves and focus on their strengths rather than on their weaknesses. Learn to share your confidence with others so that they can  feel stronger in your presence.

Share your opinions

Charismatic people strongly believe in something and share their convictions with the people around them. They inspire others get involved, working toward a common goal. That is why you can enhance your charisma when you are  committed to what you are doing and show that to others.

Learn to tell stories

Charismatic people know that no one will trust them with no grounds for doing so. Getting others to do something requires context and motivation. Learn, therefore, to tell stories which involve not only reason, but also emotion. Experiment how to use humor, metaphors, etc. to transmit information in an attractive way.

Be more empathetic

Charismatic people pay full attention to others and make them feel important. So, when you talk to someone do not attend to anything else and focus all your energy on him.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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