Micromanagement may be legitimate


When talking about micromanagement, a very detailed control of how employees perform their duties, we usually hear that it is not desirable. We are advised to give employees more freedom and not monitor every move they make. When taken to extremes, we may start feeling that we should not notice our people at all. However, this is obviously not the right solution. There are even situations when micromanagement is essential. Let's describe some such situations with a little help of Entrepreneur.com.

1. You do not have much time left

Setting measurable objectives in specific time frames is a fundamental responsibility of every manager. If you do not do it, you can't complain about your people being unable to meet deadlines. You subordinates must hear what you expect and when you expect it. Keep emphasizing the importance of meeting the deadline and check their progress. If your team does not finish on time, it's your fault.

2. You are introducing a new process

It is not enough to describe a new process to your people only once. You certainly know that no one is excited when you come up with a change. Therefore, it is necessary to explain the changes in detail and repeatedly. You have to watch how things progress so that you can deal with possible problems quickly regarding decreasing levels of productivity, work quality, or employee morale.

3. You expect very specific results

Do not rely on being able to explain exactly what you expect the first time. Especially when you have very specific requirements, you have monitor whether they have been fulfilled. Of course, when they have, do not forget to praise.

4. You notice that something is wrong

You have assigned a task to someone and after some time you find that things are not going according to plan. Whose fault is it? You probably know the answer. It makes no sense to waste time complaining about your staff, you must do something to remedy the situation. You will be the one who will have to explain possible problems to senior managers or to the client. Therefore, it is appropriate to discuss the whole situation with the employee and agree on specific changes. Then monitor whether the changes are implemented.


Article source Entrepreneur.com - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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