6 tips on how to manage teams remotely


Maintaining a team’s morale is not an easy topic to cover in a few lines. But it is a very important topic because everything that happens in the company is mainly about people. However, there are many different causes of disintegration within a team and it is difficult to lead teams working remotely, virtually, in such conditions.

Interesting tips that deal generally with working in teams and their morale can be found in many articles and publications, e.g. here. The Management Issues website, however, chose some points and advice that can be applied specifically to the management of virtual teams. Here they are:

1. Ask them. If some staff work remotely, they maybe did not attend any interview with you at the office or - which is perhaps more likely - had no chance to form a deeper impression of the company and its employees. Ask your "remote" colleagues what they would like to know and how you can help them prepare for work. Invite them to the company and find time for a short sightseeing tour and getting to know colleagues with whom they could, albeit at a distance, come into contact.

2. Celebrate important events with them. Whether it is a birthday or an important job success, be sure to celebrate important moments with your remote employee the same as with colleagues in the office (if this actually happens). Do not forget also to invite him or her to your Friday meeting after work. Integration of the team is important.

3. Give them personal time. It often happens that "remote" workers are forced to adapt to working hours. For many managers it is simply a condition of team work. Once in a while, however, it does not hurt to allow your employees some time for personal issues, regardless of the inconvenience temporarily affecting the team. After all, there is a reason why these colleagues are working remotely.

4. Explain to them their role in the team. Distance working occasionally gives the impression that a person works individually. It is important, however, to understand that the work of such people is only one part of the whole team’s output. It is therefore necessary to set clear conditions for fulfilling tasks and expectations. Likewise it is necessary that the rest of the team in the office also understands the implications of collaboration with "remote" colleagues.

5. Evaluate visibly. Do not praise successes and a well-done job quickly via email. Rather ensure that your employees see their work in context with the work of other team members and understand the impact of their efforts on the overall results. These "distance" workers often have no idea how hard they have to work or how smart they should be to keep pace. Give them a benchmark for comparison.

6. Ask them what they need to do things well. Often employees working remotely are required to use the same tools at home as are used within the company. They may, however, have better tools which they were using in previous positions. Give them a chance to make the work of the team better or, on the contrary, give them what they need.

What is your experience with the management of virtual teams or individuals working remotely?


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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