Can virtual leadership be effective?


There is still a discussion whether forms of flexible working and teleworking are really effective. Leading employees working on this basis has always been a hard nut to crack and has troubled many companies. A leader's work is not easy either and requires certain core competencies, and even more so if he works remotely.

The Management Issues website recently published an article on this topic about the polemics of the key skills of virtual leaders based on traditional requirements of their abilities.

The ability to understand team dynamics

Forming a relationship of trust between team members at the different stages of team development (starting - forming – storming – norming – performing - adjourning) may not change for years. However, the leader operating remotely in a virtual work environment also has to have the ability to perceive the impact of distance and lack of physical contact on teamwork and team development. If you work apart from colleagues, how can you perceive the team relationships and prevent any irregularities?

The ability to interpret information from the top management and create a common team vision

Conveying information at the door or at team meetings and following up whether the team understood what is required from them is one thing. But how do you know if your people understand and accept responsibility for your goals and the values of the organization if your only available source is email conversations, conference calls or webinars?

The ability to listen, written and oral communication and persuasive presenting

Communicating with people, openness and persuasiveness should not be any problem for experienced managers. Perhaps not in their personal lives. Anyway, it is an especial problem for old school managers. How can you effectively manage information share through another medium?

The ability to lead a team towards better performance and long-term development

Many managers fail to perform this task in person and certainly not remotely. How easy is it to be a mentor to someone when you stand face to face, and what about when you do not see each other?

This all leads to the creation of an entirely new capability that the virtual leader has to master:

The ability to understand the consequences and effective use of available technology

It is a bummer if you lead teams remotely and are unable to even get acquainted with the variability of various media and means of communication. If managers only use webinars and virtual meetings as a way of one-way communication, then they really limit interaction and the efficiency of the team. In this type of situation, it is necessary to answer a few questions first before you get started:

  • Is the current training and leadership development sufficient to work under the current conditions?
  • Does the organization itself provide training and metrics for evaluating the performance of leaders in terms of effective use of communication tools?
  • If not, what can be done to change the current situation?

Do you have experience with a form of distance leadership? What other questions or competencies are there to consider and what would you recommend?


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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